
Our Commitment to Corporate Responsibility and a Sustainable Future

Alliance Resource Partners, L.P. is committed to sustainability, reliability and affordability. We believe true value creation starts with a commitment to environmental sustainability. As we acquire and develop high-quality assets, we seek to operate them responsibly.

This means that whenever possible, we minimize the environmental impact of the development and operation of our facilities.

Our commitment to Sustainability is reflected in our core values:


Covering Today’s and Tomorrow’s Energy Needs

Alliance is positioning itself as a reliable energy partner for the future by pursuing opportunities that support the advancement of energy through leveraging its core technology and operating competencies to make strategic investments in the fast-growing energy and infrastructure transition. The Energy Information Administration’s (“EIA”) 2023 long-term forecast predicts domestic coal demand in the United States will decline approximately 62% by 2035 compared to 2019 consumption levels due to the federal government’s policy to transition electrical generation assets to achieve lower carbon emissions. Assuming the EIA’s forecast is achieved, we expect our domestic thermal coal demand will decline and we have no plans to expand thermal coal volumes from our reserves and resources in existence as of May 2024 beyond 2019 levels. In the interim, we are committed to playing a role in the energy transition, and are accordingly re-orienting our longer term portfolio targets by prioritizing our growth capital to mitigate any decline in coal production by expanding our Royalties business segment that focuses on owning oil & gas mineral interests, as well as pursing other diversification initiatives, such as investments in Ascend Elements (a developer of sustainable battery materials),  Infinitum (an innovative developer of more efficient electric motors), and our Matrix Design Group subsidiary (an industrial  manufacturer and developer of safety and productivity technology).  We will continue to mine our thermal coal reserves and resources to meet the needs of our customers, while we strive to aggressively increase our mix of EBITDA from non-thermal coal operations.


Care for Our People

We recognize that our greatest asset is the people who make up Alliance. We care for our people and their families by providing generous compensation and benefit packages and prioritize local hiring and strive to create long-lasting, high-paying employment opportunities that support the economic vitality of the regions in which we operate. We provide access to on-site medical facilities and healthcare services, including regular check-ups, preventive care, and health education programs with a best-in-class healthcare program. We believe in investing in the future by supporting education initiatives and skills development programs and collaborating with educational institutions, providing scholarships, internships, and training opportunities to empower individuals and enhance their future opportunities. We actively engage with community organizations and local leaders to understand their needs and priorities.


Committed to Safety

The safety and well-being of our employees is at the core of everything we do. We maintain stringent safety standards, invest in training programs, and implement comprehensive measures to protect the health and safety of all employees. We work hard to foster and maintain a culture of safety that values the attention to safety that our employees bring into their day-to-day tasks and empowers and rewards employees for engagement in our safety efforts.


Conservation & Environmental Stewardship

We embrace the principles of environmental stewardship by pursuing sustainable practices across our operations. We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact throughout the entire lifecycle of our activities. This includes adopting innovative technologies and techniques to minimize our energy usage, conserve water resources, and safeguard biodiversity. We continually seek opportunities to improve our operational efficiency and invest in cleaner technologies to ensure a sustainable energy future.


Corporate Governance

We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our business. Through our governance practices, we prioritize the interests of our stakeholders and manage risks effectively. We remain committed to continuous improvement, collaboration, and engagement with our stakeholders to build trust, maintain integrity, and create shared value.